Hi! My name is Charlotte Dumont and I am seventeen years old. I am a young female artist who is interested in all kinds of mediums from abstract portraiture to fashion! I constantly find myself thinking of new and innovative ways of creating and recreating. My current obsession is the art of continuous blind contour drawing. I like to think of designer Molly Goddard and painters Alec Egan and Claude Monet as my muses. I admire their use of color and am always trying to learn from them. Not only do I love creating art of my own, but I love learning and thinking critically about it! I worship art because it allows me to express and understand myself and my surroundings in a truly special and unique way.


She Tried (2022)

“She Tried is about the pressure and encouragement women are given as they grow older to stay young. In our society we give great validation to women who look younger than they are. In Taylor Swift’s new album, she sings, “Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby / And I’m a monster on the hill.” This perfectly explains the “sexy baby” culture. To be sexy, or attractive you need to look young (like a baby). She Tried portrays a woman named Louise. Louise has succumbed to the pressures of youthfulness and has tried to self-manipulate her appearance. However, her manipulations have gone to extremes and she has grown addicted to it. She has failed and because of the wounds she has created, is dying, giving the piece the title She Tried.”

The Girl In Her Utopian Paradise All Alone (2022)

“The Girl In Her Utopian Paradise, All Alone Forever is a 39 x 17 in panoramic hand-sewn textile piece that depicts a small girl frolicking through her utopia all alone. The title of the piece is purposely long because it humorously accompanies the extra long piece. The repetition of this girl categorizes the piece under the synoptic narrative. My intention behind The Girl In Her Utopian Paradise, All Alone Forever was to explore my idea of paradise through my favorite medium, textile.”


Ruby Park